Pink Connect have committed to providing Refurbished PCs and Laptops to all students in years 7, 8, 9, 10 & 11 at Shipston High School. Today, we are delighted to announce we have now delivered the first 100 machines (did you see the pile in the background?), covering Years 7 & 8 and some of Year 9.

The Headmaster, Gavin Saunders, is pictured here with Jack Elliott, from Pink Connect’s IT Support Team and two Year 8 Students Jack Lacey & George Cox.

Headmaster Gavin Saunders says the project is making a huge difference to the 25% of the children attending the school with no access to computing at home, by providing a PC or Laptop for their personal use at any time, enabling on-line homework, research, email, and school projects using SketchUp, Word, Excel, and Power Point.

Pink Connect’s Team have also committed to supporting the machines going forward for as long as the students are at school. Please let us know if your business has any spare hardware, we can put to very good use! We will collect immediately, just call us on 0345 450 9393.