money on fireDPR is now 10 months away… Recent years have brought major advances in information technology, and fundamental changes to the ways in which individuals and organisations communicate and share information. To achieve harmonisation, a new legislation – General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) – has been passed and will come into force on May 25, 2018.

The changes it brings will have implications for businesses of all sizes that process the personal data of Europeans, whether in or out of the EU.

  • GDPR is the “General Data Protection Regulation”
  • GDPR is already law but comes into effect in May next year
  • GDPR applies to your business (unless you keep no records)
  • GDPR fines are increasing 57 x fold over todays levels
  • GDPR could make your business insolvent or close
  • GDPR is a huge wake-up call
  • GDPR needs dealing with

Book an appointment with our IT Customer Service Advisers on 0345 4509393 opt 1 and find out how you can protect your business.